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Writer's pictureLuiz Anderson Takeshita

Keppe Motor: The Origin

Keppe Motor is today's most innovative and efficient technology for electric motors, which received in 2015 the top awards in Technological Innovation and Energy Efficiency at the world's largest electronics fair.

It received this name because it was developed according to principles that arose from the research of the scientist Norberto Keppe on Physics.

Norberto da Rocha Keppe (São Carlos, Brazil, 1927) is a psychoanalyst, physicist (independent researcher) and author of more than 40 books, some translated into more than 8 languages beyond Portuguese. He worked for 17 years in the United States and Europe, where he developed an important part of his work, in the field of Sociopathology, Metaphysics and New Physics. International lecturer, he was considered by the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) of France as "undoubtedly the most original heterodox author among contemporaries".

He is founder and president of the Society of Integral Psychoanalysis (then International Society of Analytical Trilogy), founded in 1970 in São Paulo. This scientific school has printed a new direction for all fields of knowledge, especially Psychoanalysis, Psychosomatic Medicine and related areas. He directed and headed the Psychosomatic Medicine Studies Group of the Gastroenterology Clinic of Prof. Edmundo Vasconcelos, and taught as a visiting professor at the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC), and at the Faculty of Medicine of USP, among other institutions and colleges in Brazil and abroad.

In the development of his work, he was able to integrate the areas of science, philosophy and theology, creating a new field, called psycho-socio-pathology.

Keppe devoted himself to the study of Physics, inspired by Nikola Tesla, giving it the name of Energetics (New Physics, previous name). He noticed the inversion of traditional Physics that mistakenly seeks to draw energy from matter and wrote important works on the subject, culminating in the book "The New Physics derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics", published in France in 1996, in which he performs the unification of Physics, Biology and Psychology.

In this book, he shows that:

1. Matter comes from energy and not vice versa;

2. Energy preexists, forms and sustains all beings and the Universe itself;

3. Einstein's formula (E=mc²) is reversed by proposing that energy would come from moving matter;

4. Matter is a resonance of the Scalar Energy trapped in time and space, in the following keppean formula: M = RE/TS being:

• R = Ressonant;

• E = Energy;

• T = Time;

• S = Space;

5. The Scalar Energy, at different vibratory frequencies forms different materials (minerals, vegetables, animals, humans).

Based on this book, researchers Carlos Cesar Soós, Roberto Frascari (in memorian) and Alexandre Frascari developed the Keppe Motor – a more efficient engine that uses minimal amount of energy, because it works by capturing the energy that Nikola Tesla called scalar energy and Norberto Keppe called essential or divine energy.

From left to right: standing: Carlos Cesar Soós, Roberto Frascari (in memorian) and Alexandre Frascari; in front: Dr. Norberto Keppe and Dr. Cláudia Pacheco

Keppe Motor technology led to the manufacture of engines capable of very high efficiency and energy savings rates and it holds patents in the United States, Mexico, China, Russia, Hong Kong and Brazil: learn more. It also received Certifications and Awards.

"Our intention with the Keppe Motor is, look at this:

1. First, to help people to have an easier-going existence. To have electricity for free, not to pay for gasoline anymore, not to breath this polluted air everywhere.

2. Secondly, to avoid the enormous exploitation imposed by the powers-that-be - this is obvious in itself.

3. To save the planet from this incredible pollution of the air, seas and rivers.

4. To preserve the richness of the planet: water, earth and air. You know that the seas are polluted exactly because of the plastics that are made from petroleum, and the petroleum itself that always leaks and spills, they pollute as well, when they leak from the ships.

5. To have an existence of human dignity.

This will be the great liberation of the human being in the third millennium. Now the people can really liberate themselves from this heavy economic burden, and, entire countries can now develop much, much more.

This will even help the human being to think better because this type of energy is more in accordance with human nature, this new energy brought by this motor. That is, it will even work to make human thoughts more balanced." (Excerpt from the Program STOP the Destruction of the World)

Norberto da Rocha Keppe (1927): psychoanalyst, philosopher, pedagogue, social scientist, physicist (independent), writer, founder and president of ISAT - International Society of Analytical Trilogy, which unified science to philosophy and theology.

From: CAMARGO NETO, José Ortiz. A Fascinante História do Keppe Motor. São Paulo: Editora Proton, 2022.

KEPPE, Norberto da Rocha. The New Physics derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics. São Paulo: Proton Publishing House, 2005.


"The true designation of Physics should be Energetics." (Dr. Norberto Keppe)

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