The word “ethics” embodies both conduct and knowledge, or better, it implies a practical aspect (action) along with a theoretical component (philosophy). Therefore, it is dialectic in and of itself, and superior for dealing with practical or scholarly concerns. Therefore, true wisdom is not possible without a concomitant honest attitude and true morality also cannot exist without correct perception. In short, all of humanity’s difficulties can be traced to a lack of ethics. This is so fundamental that if our ethical problem is not corrected, Man will not only fail to gain knowledge, he will suffer genetic decay.
Aristotle viewed ethics as a function of man’s ultimate purpose, which he considered to be happiness (History of Philosophy, J.M.N. Cordon and T.C. Martinez pg. 63), concluding that because it is a natural and correct intellectual activity, a happy human being would achieve a state of contemplation. As you can see, this is a forced deduction and therefore immoral. It seems to me that both Plato and Aristotle were unable to understand some elements of Greek wisdom that were much better understood by Socrates. I would suggest that neither disciple was as ethical as their master - even if they were not conscious of their behavior.
Whenever an individual doubts a moral concept, they are distorting it because: 1) morality encompasses the fundamental understanding of all things; 2) direct, infused knowledge (consciousness) permits one to instantly distinguish right from wrong; and 3) only a person who accepts what is ethical can develop. This being the case, we must remember that honest conduct is humanity’s greatest jewel because all success depends on it - and only on it.
From: KEPPE, Norberto da Rocha. A Libertação da Vontade. São Paulo: Editora Proton, 2000.
According to Analytical Trilogy, every human being has a good ethical structure inside them naturally. In order to feel good about ourselves, then, ethical conduct is essential.
Please give us your comments about the importance of ethical behaviour in today´s complicated world.