After Adam and Eve were cast out from Paradise, an angel was posted at the entrance to prevent them from returning to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge and regaining their immortality. The idea of “eating of knowledge” seems to me the same as the idea of conscientizing, i.e., of living according to truth, because only by accepting reality can we fulfill ourselves.
We reject what is, out of the wish to create a different existence, and this attitude leads us to despair. However, the moment we accept being what we are, cur tribulation will cease, and great peace will come to us.
By continually trying to build a barrier between ourselves and reality (our sustenance), we put ourselves in an extremely difficult position, because our existence is not a matter of choice. And what we reject always is the perception of the human condition itself, as though it were not adequate. Consciousness is not something that exists solely by itself; it must be used, as well. And it is here that the element of decision comes in. We all possess consciousness, but its use depends upon our personal choice.
The great majority of us behave like animals that bristle when touched – a defense mechanism that nature has provided for them to escape from danger – the sole difference being that Man “bristles” at truth, because that is where he chooses to see all of his difficulties and errors.
The discovery that consciousness has perfect awareness of reality gives us the key to perceive that the human being can feel well only within reality, which includes truth, love, and goodness. And the further we draw away from this healthy base, the worse we feel as we develop psychopathological disorders such as anguish, phobia, depression, and so forth.
If it were possible to accept truth wholly, we would live in total happiness. Like the two prisoners crucified at Christ's side, the human being can accept his reality or not – that is, he can choose the path to his own inner paradise, or condemn himself to everlasting exile. In fact, earthly Eden should be called psychological Eden, for it is to be found in the innermost self, not in any region of this planet or outer space.
From: KEPPE, Norberto da Rocha. Liberation. São Paulo: Proton Publishing House, 2016.
Reflection: Do you realize that you can only feel good when you act in accordance with reality? Comment below.