Climate change is already evident, and this makes us more aware of the importance of finding more efficient and sustainable energy sources. In the very near future, to comply with regulations and agreements that are already existent in many countries, only high-performance motors will be available on the market.
The Keppe Motor has been created in response to the demands of these new global standards. This innovative motor technology offers up to 80% energy efficiency and electricity savings. Therefore, it is the best option for governments that must guarantee electricity for their developing nations.
The benefits of this motor to the environment and a nation's economy are evident. Hundreds of millions of low-power electric motors are in high use worldwide today, driving household appliances, electric tools, hydraulic pumps, domestic refrigeration systems, etc. As a country or region develops with a subsequent increase in personal purchasing power, there is a correspondent increase in usage of these low-power motors.
Another important factor is that the reduced consumption of the Keppe Motor allows its use in small water pumping and cooling systems when combined with a system of batteries and photovoltaic panels. This is vital in remote regions with abundant sunlight but restricted access the public electric grid. The development of self-sustainable solar energy systems using the Keppe Motor could be implemented by governments, providing much needed service to the neediest populations around the world.
Energy Efficiency
• For global industry: The Keppe Motor signifies a technological “upgrade” for entire traditional production lines, enabling innovative solutions that have been impossible due to the limitations of current motor technologies.
• For energy distributors: Reducing energy consumption decreases investment expenses for providing better customer service since more efficient energy use will result in producing more energy from existent infrastructure.
• For entities and professionals: Training researchers to develop energy efficient products and focusing academic research and mathematical modeling studies on these improved energy efficiency statistics will increase scientific understanding and dissemination of this technological innovation.
This research can will uncover new uses for the Keppe Motor technology, increasing the technological development and reputation of the institution.
The worldwide scientific community will understand the effectiveness of applying resonance effects in electromechanical energy conversion, i.e., in electric motors.
• For the consumer: The use of highly efficient household appliances equipped with the Keppe Motor technology and powered by the electrical grid or alternative energy sources, such as solar panel, Aeolic, and Biomass technology – will significantly reduce energy costs.
• For the country: Developing products with an innovative technology produced nationally will enable domestic industry to be highly competitive on the world market, increasing national technological development and generating more jobs.
From: CAMARGO NETO, José Ortiz. A Fascinante História do Keppe Motor. São Paulo: Editora Proton, 2022.
The use of the Keppe Motor on a large scale will offer many benefits, including providing a cleaner environment where plants, animals and human beings will prosper.
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