Pure action is the foundation of all reality, which manifests itself through the act of love and of truth. Thus only that individual capable of pure act will realize all of the wonders that have captivated humanity for centuries.
Dante Alighieri was capable of that act of love with Beatrice, Abelard with Héloise, Shakespeare in his romance with Romeo and Juliet, Goethe with his Werther and Charlotte von Stein. All displayed their transcendental dimension, which is why they left masterpieces that have been admired through all time.
I am showing in this chapter that good comes to the human being through what I call pure action; that is, good conduct in work, in thought and in intention. In fact, these last two can only exist as a consequence of the first, or good act. I can also say that transcendence manifests itself on this planet through such behavior, because man is the only transcendental being, indicating that he has a direct relationship with the divinity – and in evil acts with demons, obviously.
Pure action consists in the attitude of avoiding the existence of anything bad in what one does, thinks or feels; thus it is mainly a question of habit aimed at returning to one´s original nature. This phenomenon can be demonstrated even in the field of physics by the fact that the human being constantly emits waves that affect other humans, animals, plants and all of nature. These are commonly known as the phenomena of telepathy, precognition and psychokinesis (transference of thought, foreseeing future events and action upon physical objects).
For the brain itself to function, and also to avoid the formation of dangerous toxins, the human being must develop pure action. There can be no thought and affect except in relation to what which is real; and anything that is not good, genuine and beautiful constitutes a distortion of reality that severely affects the individual, destroying neurons, nerves, muscle and bone in addition to deforming social life.
In the beginning the human being was entirely pure action, able to comprehend all things and develop a remarkable civilization – which is the way he remained on other planets. But here, through corruption, man began to fall into a state of potentiality, practicing the act of being less and less frequently.
The point I wish to make clear is that the source of life lies in pure act; thus, when the individual abandons it, he destroys himself at his base: he falls ill, becomes impoverished, and loses both his intellectual brilliance and his congeniality. In fact, its even possible to say that the moment a person stops acting for good he begins to die.
In regard to transcendence we can see that through pure action we establish immediate contact with the divinity, whereas with inaction our contact is with demons. As the words themselves say very clearly, inaction is an attitude of nullifying action; destruction a way of destroying action; negation an act of denying action. Note that the suffix – action, which means act or action, is the central point of the etymology here. And if in linguistics “action” is the key designation for human behavior, then in psychological and social life it is likewise the key.
From: KEPPE, Norberto da Rocha. Trilogical Metaphysics – The Liberation of Being. São Paulo: Proton Publishing House, 1994.
Do you realize that through pure action, according to your original essence: good, beautiful and true, you establish immediate contact with the divinity?
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Good! Thank you!