Freedom is the possibility of using our will in accordance with reality. The human being is free only if he uses his existence correctly; otherwise, he is a slave, for he will be using it against himself.
Truth is like a mine that, when well explored, makes its owner rich. Psychological reality is like a house of great value which must be inhabited; it is like a jewel or a precious gem waiting to be used; it is like a flame that must be nourished to give light; a fire that warms, but needs fuel.
All authentic use of life is good; no reality in itself is harmful to us; but we constantly try to alter or obstruct reality and this is evil. The moment we attempt to divert reality or destroy it, we begin to harm ourselves. And to use it correctly, we have to accept our position as intermediaries of the truth. That is why the individual who is free is the one who succeeds in using his will in accordance with truth. To be free is to accept what one really is; i.e., to accept being human – a condition we generally think of as inferior to the one we idealize in our megalomania.
We have complete freedom to live life, to live in goodness and beauty not in deceit and cunningness for we cannot ever feel well with something that is not real. To be free is to be able to accept one´s own truth; that is, to accept what is real (and reject what is false), for what is real pertains to the very essence of existence.
From: KEPPE, Norberto da Rocha. Liberation. São Paulo: Proton Publishing House, 2016.