Love, as understood by Norberto Keppe, is the only true feeling, and it is extremely healthy in both the physical and psychological sense. Conversely, hatred, anger and envy are not feelings in the true sense of the word, but rather attitudes that oppose the feeling of love.
If a person wishes to progress in life and have greater consciousness of problems and their solutions, he must cultivate his affectionate feelings, because it takes inner peace and tolerance to see our mistakes and the mistakes of others. Willingness on the part of a loving person to admit envy also brings him tranquility through the subsequent acceptance of that which is good, beautiful and truthful in his life and in the lives of others. Only love is capable of tolerating the consciousness of evil in ourselves and in others — which is a paradox, in that only the very affectionate individual will admit to giving little love, whereas the arrogant, hateful person thinks of himself as being full of affection. Love unfailingly brings progress and happiness and this in turn automatically generates organic and psychological wellbeing. Love does not attack life; it preserves it.
When we see a beautiful landscape, a sweet little animal, a delicate flower, or a kind and truthful person, we are overcome with a feeling that is not generated at that particular moment or caused by that object, but awakened by it. If the viewer is not too envious, then the feeling of love manifests itself with greater intensity. Consequently, we need even more love to accept the consciousness of our psychopathology, our psychological and social problems, and to muster the strength to solve them. Yet if the human being is trained to constantly interiorize, he can truly develop his affective life and derive much more benefit from it. Love is always present within us; our rejection of it is the source of great anguish and discomfort.
Love, according to Analytical Trilogy, is the same as spirituality; and spirituality is good, beautiful and truthful action. Therefore, love can be measured by the number of good and truthful acts an individual accomplishes during his life, and how tolerant he is toward admitting his bad intentions, and those of others, so that he may correct them.
From: PACHECO, Cláudia Bernhardt de Souza. The ABC of Analytical Trilogy – Integral Psychoanalysis. São Paulo: Proton Publishing House, 1988.