Through my discoveries I have perceived that the human being can be integral only if he develops his three basic characteristics — feeling, thought, and action — which correspond to religion, philosophy (Weltanschauung), and science. One can easily observe an accentuated imbalance in persons (and countries) who try to live by just one of those faculties alone. There is good reason for the existence of a general desire to reach a universal synthesis of these three areas, although in my opinion it is not so much a synthesis as a re-integration of the basic elements of personality which man has abandoned (causing him to fall ill), and to which he now urgently wishes to return.
When I speak of the need to return to one's own inner self, I am talking about the urgency of adopting an attitude that is essential to the human being: the attitude of accepting ourselves as we are, with our three fundamental characteristics (similar to the Holy Trinity), instead of trying to live according to an idea we have of ourselves.
Obviously, we are not gods. But we reflect God by accepting reality, by embracing it, because we cannot be human beings and be detached from what is divine. Such a union i s the same as the fact of our having life.
Aristotle made a distinction between act and potential; that is, between an attitude of action and one of latency. The former he attributed to the Creator, calling it pure act, which is total accomplishment, complete conscientization. The latter refers to a mixture of action and inaction, correctness and error, good and lack of good, that is always the result of the denial, the omission, or the alteration of what exists. For everything that is, is good (and can only be good) because everything that exists can only be beautiful, true (obviously) and good.
In the same way that God is perceived as three persons in one being, we are also formed of three dimensions. However, we are not just the sum of the three (Gestalt), but something more. We have a great and magnificent feeling (love), or religion; we also have thought (and intuition), or philosophy; and finally, we have action, which is science. These are not, however, religion, philosophy and science in the traditional sense. They form something more. That is why a positivist scientist is as false as the individual who deals with any one of these areas alone.
A religion, a philosophy or a science can only be cosmically true if it integrates these three areas, which together form something new, something different from any one of them separately. In this same way, truth, beauty and goodness are one. They form the new cosmic man who is beginning to exist. "To conscientize" means to act, to do. In other words, it means to grow in size, to develop oneself, to broaden oneself, to become an act similar to God. It does not mean we become another god, but that we resemble Him more and more.
From: KEPPE, Norberto da Rocha. Glorification. São Paulo: Proton Publishing House, 2019.