No matter how well a person may know truth, he can never acquire total knowledge of it, nor can he come close to knowing his own truth. Plato's proposition that man locks himself up in ignorance is valid, and one of the proofs of it is the unhappiness man feels. To the extent that we accept drawing nearer to truth, our whole being is inundated by unbelievable happiness, because in our essence we are committed to beauty and goodness.
Man's truth is sanity, which is goodness; and his goodness is well-being. It is not possible for a person to be authentic and not feel well; and to live one's truth requires just one thing: acceptance of it. The same dignity that we attribute to the Creator is carried in the inner self of each human being because of his resemblance to Him.
I have often wondered whether reality would be different if God were a different being, and it occurs to me that it would be exactly the same as it is. Nevertheless, when we deal with what exists, we are working with what is the Creator's, and that is why the deeply envious person is lazy. But when we accept everything that is quotidian and conduct ourselves with modesty, we draw nearer to the Supreme Being, who is altogether simple.
The human being generally wants truth to be what agrees with his own beliefs. Scholastic philosophy says that truth is the conformation of thought to the object (adequatio intelectus et rei), or worse still, that it is a factor related to understanding (as the definition above also indicates).
Religious thought has always conveyed the idea that we have to create a faith, as though it depended on our will. It has not viewed faith as something that exists in itself which we try to abandon (although it goes right on existing anyway), and the greatest error is in thinking that faith belongs exclusively to institutions, not believing that it is a universal truth, a cosmic truth.
In fact, there is no reason to isolate science from philosophy or theology. Philosophers have always been extremely careful to separate the field of thought from the field of religion, and scientists have always tried to keep as far away as possible from religion. Each field has closed itself in its own "world", restricting itself more and more, for just one reason: each individual wants to be a creator in his field. This prevents truth (which is the same in all three fields) from existing properly. In other words, this division, caused by our envy, exists only in theory.
The human being does not need to have knowledge of what is just, beautiful and real to perceive it, because his truth is wholly within himself. Man has consciousness even though he does not allow it to exist fully, for his every fiber is directed toward his goal: love, beauty and happiness.
From: KEPPE, Norberto da Rocha. Glorification. São Paulo: Proton Publishing House, 1981.
The TRILOGICAL Leadership & Management blog wishes you a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year filled with peace, health and happiness.