If I asked my readers why we are born, I would receive many different answers but I probably would not hear one of the most important, which is this: we are born to have glory, to enjoy a magnificence so incredible that we are born to live in total happiness. To become glorified, we have only to take an attitude - the attitude of accepting happiness - for the only reason we do not enjoy happiness right in this very existence is that we do not accept it out of envy towards eternal truth, beauty and goodness, which we did not create.
If someone should ask whether we are rich or poor, I have only one answer: we have such riches that if we could contemplate all of them for one moment, we would become totally euphoric, for we have been apportioned with all that can exist. Truly, we are the children of all riches; we have only to accept them.

Man´s happiness depends on his adherence to reality in the same way that despair is directly proportional to man´s denial of what he is. Therefore, man is happy when he accepts truth and unhappy when he rejects it. In the same way that the whole universe serves as a mirror to show us God to some degree, everything that exists also serves to show us what we are.
If I do not feel, think, and act in harmony with God, I am wasting my time, whether I am a scientist, a laborer, or a musician - no matter what my activity may be - because when I do, think, or feel something genuine, I am proving the existence of truth, which is the only good that really exists.
All that is life, all that is beauty, all development and progress, are linked to truth. Each time we note a fact, a reality, we feel happy because it leads us to an encounter with the true self; that is, it leads us to our tie with the Creator. And what exists, such as God or what is created in His image and semblance, is eternal; what exists is everlasting, like God himself. That is why it is much more difficult to reject life than to accept it. Rejecting it is like rowing against the current or trying to live up in the clouds or under the water, while accepting it means living in the same wholeness and happiness as our Creator.
From: KEPPE, Norberto da Rocha. Glorification. São Paulo: Proton Publishing House, 2019.
Do you realize that we are born to live in total sanity and happiness?
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