In order to succeed, we must accept the success of others. In fact, just as the past determines the present and the present determines the future, personal success depends completely upon accepting other people´s success. Everything we do depends on the accomplishments of others. Therefore, if we admire individuals who are capable and talented we will automatically emulate them and in this way do even more than they have done. But if we envy them we negate and destroy what they have done, thereby, holding ourselves back and impeding our own success.
Our happiness and well-being depend upon the happiness and well-being of others. When theologians say one must be charitable to please God, they are referring in the psychological sense to an attitude that is fundamental for happiness. Personal good only comes as a result of the good others enjoy.
From: KEPPE, Norberto da Rocha. The Origin of Illness: Psychological, Physical, Social. São Paulo: Proton Publishing House, 2001.
Do you realize that the more you accept the goodness, happiness and success of others, the more you attract them into your life?
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